About this TYPO3 CMS driven website for PuurGezond

This website for our valued client PuurGezond features recipes, a shop and a newsletter for improved and healthy lifestyle.

Functions and Technique

Functionalities include several search engines, a newsletter to a very large audience and professionals, services for professionals and a shopping cart. Blog and news functions are also built in.

We use the Newsletter function from TYPO3 CMS in stead of Mailchimp or any other third party mailingsystem.

Special attention goes to the filtering options in the webshop. Tech talk: like we use to do on other websites, we integrated Masonry/Isotope into the products list.

Design and Content

The website's basic layout is designed elsewhere. We refined the design to fit it into mobile and pc screens, improved the text setup for readability and SEO. We designed the newsletter.

Results and Maintenance

The website ranks much higher in the Google index than it did. We keep hosting and maintaining the website and frequently train the editors.