About this TYPO3 CMS driven website for EtuConsult

This website for valued customer EtuConsult features a large informational website with event management tools. Currently under maintenance; there is a big technical upgrade going on with improvements on the imagery and webshop.

Functions and Technique

Functionalities include a highly customized navigation through the website, an image oriented flow, and a customized webshop for

Special attention goes to the listing view in the galleries and in the webshop. Here also, Masonry/Isotope is in action in the listing of content elements and news items.

Design and Content

We designed the layout and the system, and refined the design to fit it into mobile and pc screens. Color schemes are defined by the customer, who also takes care of the texts.

Results and Maintenance

Google ranking has no special interest. We keep hosting and maintaining the website and frequently instruct the editors.