SEO starts with good content. Before this you have already been able to see and read how you create content, how you create content. You can endlessly create and adapt to be found better and better. Without wanting to discuss everything, because that's quite a bit, here's an explanation of some details that you can see in the three demo videos above.

The page title is important and the words should be well chosen. There are variations of per page. The title that is visible on the web page should mainly be understandable to the reader who is already on the website. The page title as it appears in the search engine must be attractive to lead the visitor to the web page.

Pages have a unique URL. You can adjust that. The words and layers in the URL are a factor. This is also something to take into account when you move pages (see one of the following demo topics). In TYPO3 you can easily change this, whereby the old link remains active for another month to give Google time to update the index.

Other SEO details: a different navigation title and an additional subtitle, whether or not it is indexed and tracked by robots, the canonical URL to avoid duplicate content, the "description tag". Name and e-mail of the author, if applicable.

And for the social sharing, the Open Graph data and the Twitter Card data read by multiple platforms, with their own specific images (otherwise it will be a random image of the web page, or the favicon).

  • Want to use Rich Snippets? No problem, there is Rich Snippet functionality to meet all your needs in that area, according to Per page, per news item, per product. With training, any editor will be able to do this.
  • Want extensive social interaction? There are various functions to load this into the website, including methods in which the IP addresses remain untouched for visitors (for privacy).
  • Do you want direct SEO checks for yourself or the editors before publishing a web page? There are various tools, extensions and plugins that show on the page (in the backend) how it stands in terms of SEO. Length of titles; numbers of h1, h2, h3 tags; information regarding keywords; alt tags for images;... you name it.
  • Do you want to see statistics and counters in the backend? That is also possible, depending on your exact wishes.