Graphic Design - creating the User Interface and the User eXperience (UI & UX) - is a work of collaboration. We work together with you as our Client, and we love to work with other Graphic Designers too, so BYO.

Graphic Design and TYPO3 CMS

There are no boundaries. We can put any design and idea into your TYPO3 website and change it afterwards to improve the perception.

TYPO3 has been built from its beginning as a system where technique, content and design are completely seperated. It was seen as a key feature when different roles can work on a website at the same time without interference.

Different Devices and Screensizes

We can build Responsively and Adaptively.

Responsive Design

When we use only the screen sizes to determine the optimal design, we speak about Responsive Design. Using the Mobile First approach of the Bootstrap Framework, we can guarantee good looks on every device.

Adaptive Design

When we look also at the type of device (for instance, Mobile, Tablet or PC), at the platform (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux) or at the browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, to name a few), we can also target the design to that parameters. And in combination with Responsive Design, we make surely Optimal User eXperiences.