TYPO3 CMS is well know for its enormous Extension Repository. As a Client you can benefit from that. We can pick the right extensions for you, adapt it to your needs, and you have functionality on your website. Examples are a few Shop extensions, News and Weblog, Newsletters and Direct Mailing, Marketing and Advanced SEO, Sharing, Skinning, Google or Open Street Maps, several Search functions, and thousands more.

These are not all usefull and the functions you specifically need might be missing. We can create these functionality for you by building TYPO3 Extensions.

What Functions Can We Build

The sky is almost the limit. We have created many extensions that are complete applications or add detail functions to existing ones, like a new Payment Provider package to the Cart Extension. Examples can be found elsewhere on this website.

Your Extension and the Repository

We prefer to add your custom Extension to the public Repository so others can benefit from it as well. That's how the Open Source community likes to work. However, it is not required. So if your extension covers your business processes and assets, the extension will be held private.